Attribution Page.

North American NA-16 / Sk 14
This work (FVMF.002264, by unknown / Flygvapenmuseum) is under Public Domain. The image is taken from here.

Junkers Ju 86K / B 3
This work (FVMF.006081, by unknown / Flygvapenmuseum) is under Public Domain. The image is taken from here.

Map showing flight route from Ljungbyhed to Västerås
This work (Map Ljungbyhed to Västerås, by Google Earth) is under Non-Commercial License.

Rome-Damascus-Teheran-Beirut-Rome Round Trip. Distance is around 3950 NM (7320 km).
This work (Map Rome-Damascus-Teheran-Beirut, by Google Earth) is under Non-Commercial License.

Map showing flight route Såtenäs to Rjukan.
This work (Map Såtenäs Rjukan, by Google Earth) is under Non-Commercial License.

Map showing flight route Bromma to Tulln.
This work (Map Bromma Tulln, by Google Earth) is under Non-Commercial License.

This work (SAS DC-6, by SAS Scandinavian Airlines) is under Public Domain. The image is taken from here.

This work (SAS DC-7C, by SAS Scandinavian Airlines) is under Public Domain. The image is taken from here.

This work (ABA DC-3, by SAS Scandinavian Airlines) is under Public Domain. The image is taken from here.